So close yet so far
This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago. It involved a bit of coercing, some nagging and a shit load of bribery. I suddenly remembered that it had been almost a year since the previous face close up and I wanted to look back and see how much has stayed the same and how [...]
What I Remember When You Were Seven
Today I have an 8 year old son. Eight years means the days of me calling you my 'baby boy' are disappearing fast, despite my heart clutching at the tails of father time to stop him moving forwards. Eight years means you are still in the throes of childhood exuberance that can only exist [...]
Summer Dayzzz
Summer. Bare feet...sand....sticky ice-cream fingers....sunburn....aircon....and sometimes jumpers in Melbourne's crazy weather.....cicadas....short shorts......flip flops....freckles....bikinis......late bbq dinners......welcome shade of a tree......doors and windows open....wet towels.....rivers....staying up late for beach sunsets......burning hot rides....yochi frozen yoghurt.....splashing....camping sweaty runs......long grass......fresh tomatoes and basil.......dripping mangoes..... This was our summer. Hundreds of seconds and millions of moments of childhood wonder. [...]