8 07, 2016

Kids Were Here, Friday 8th July 3:14pm

By |2018-07-27T10:21:37+00:00July 8th, 2016|Home, Kids Were Here|0 Comments

It's a Friday afternoon during school holidays. The kids have been playing beautifully together the whole day and I daren't interrupt them for fear of spoiling the moments of play. There are marbles  under the couch and in far flung corners of the whole house, cushions on the floor surrounded by blocks of all shapes [...]

25 06, 2016

A bath time capsule

By |2018-07-27T10:19:59+00:00June 25th, 2016|Home, Moments of Life|0 Comments

Tonight at bath time there was more water outside the bath than inside. There was very wet hair in the middle of winter. There were droplets of water cascading down the mirrors, the doors and pooling in the corners where the water will surely rot the wood. Tonight at bath time there were soaking wet towels, bath [...]

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