8 09, 2015

Reading in so many ways

By |2018-07-26T02:44:48+00:00September 8th, 2015|Home, Monkey|0 Comments

For the past year, Jake's favourite book has been Toddle Waddle. As a parent of a preppie (Evie), I know that one of the reading strategies the kids get taught is using the pictures. Seeing and experiencing your child's development is amazing and this in particular for me, watching my son "read" his favourite book [...]

5 09, 2015

My monkey turns four

By |2018-07-26T02:42:08+00:00September 5th, 2015|Home, Monkey|0 Comments

You are still my little monkey. You still giggle when you hang upside down, will still run and climb over everything. You still jump into my arms and wrap yourself around me with your head in the nook of my neck. You still ask me for warm cuddles after bath time. You still easily switch [...]

5 09, 2015

Kids were here – Saturday 5th September 4:04pm

By |2018-07-26T02:40:44+00:00September 5th, 2015|Home, Kids Were Here|0 Comments

Shoes, shoes...everywhere shoes. On the floor, rolling down the stairs, one lost without it's partner somewhere under the couch, half a sock hanging out. One day their shoes won't show the playground marks, the scuffs from the monkey bars and the fluff that makes the velcro no longer stick. For now I am glad there [...]

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