10 05, 2015

The boy series

By |2018-07-26T01:20:31+00:00May 10th, 2015|Home, Monkey|0 Comments

You are so boy. You run, you climb, you build, you play dirt. You are my little monkey...but maybe not for too many more years. But for now, you get that look of pure delight on your face when I walk into your kinder room at pick up time. For now, your head fits perfectly into [...]

19 04, 2015


By |2018-07-26T01:18:28+00:00April 19th, 2015|Fairy, Home|0 Comments

Imagine the magic. Imagine the delight. Imagine all the fairy dust in the world... A few weeks ago, Evie asked me to help her make a fairy garden. She sprinkled the metallic paper clippings, added a few flowers and stars and decorated the perimeter with fairy castle stickers. After wrapping some paper round the edges [...]

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