19 12, 2014


By |2014-12-19T11:23:43+00:00December 19th, 2014|52, Home|0 Comments

Friday, 19 December 2014 51/52 Evie: Jake took this photo, after throwing a wet sock on her head. I love the sunlight falling onto one side of her hair. Jake: Mischief written all over his face. He was meant to be helping me hang up the washing...instead he was playing basketball with wet socks. Together: [...]

7 12, 2014

49/52 – Together

By |2014-12-07T05:37:14+00:00December 7th, 2014|52, Home|0 Comments

Sunday, 7 December 2014 49/52 Those of you who have been following my 52 project this year (i.e. pretty much our family and especially the kids grandparents who never can see too many photos of the kids) would know that each week I usually post one photo each of my fairy and one of my [...]

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