3 12, 2014

48/52 – a little late

By |2014-12-03T09:18:58+00:00December 3rd, 2014|52, Home|0 Comments

Wednesday, 3 December 2014 48/52 It's definitely that time of the year. The major rush as clients want all projects finished before Christmas, the frantic scheduling of get togethers and pre-Xmas catch ups and the end of year school concerts and parties. Due to this frantic pace, I am once again late with my 52 [...]

15 11, 2014

For when I need to remember when

By |2014-11-15T10:25:50+00:00November 15th, 2014|Home, Kids Were Here|0 Comments

On the odd occasion that I have the luxury of time to page through beautiful home magazines, or scroll through gorgeous images of immaculate home offices and stylish kitchens, I escape to a dreamworld where I picture myself living in a house like that. A house where there is nothing out of place, walls with [...]

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