24 08, 2014

34/52 – grandparents, ice cream and snow

By |2018-07-25T01:21:28+00:00August 24th, 2014|52, Home|0 Comments

Sunday, 24 August 2014 34/52 This week was filled with lots of lollies, ice cream for dessert and small gifts on an almost daily basis. That can only mean one thing - Granny and Pops from Sydney were in town and lots of attention (as well as too much sugar) was the order of the day. [...]

17 08, 2014

33 / 52

By |2014-08-20T05:43:02+00:00August 17th, 2014|52, Home|0 Comments

Sunday, 17 August 2014 33/52 Another week, yet once again in some ways it feels like its been a fast forward motion with hundreds of events all jam packed into 7 days. This week I finished my employment at Nestle after almost a decade, my little monkey turned three (another post about that soon) and [...]

9 08, 2014

A different perspective

By |2014-08-16T11:04:06+00:00August 9th, 2014|Fairy, Home|0 Comments

Saturday, 4 August 2014 It is a hard thing to teach a child the value of money. It is something that gets taught not in one day, nor with one scenario, but rather with multiple experiences and opportunities to learn. How do you communicate the value of money to a 4 year old who cannot [...]

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