30 03, 2014


By |2018-07-24T03:57:53+00:00March 30th, 2014|52, Home|0 Comments

Sunday, 30 March 2014 13/52 Evie: She is still a pink kinda gal. Pink bike, pink streamers, pink helmet and pink dress. Jake: A babycino grin. Together: Playing in the park next door with the kids. This image sums up our weekend, which involved lots of time just hanging with the kids scootering, kicking a ball and not much [...]

23 03, 2014


By |2018-07-24T03:43:58+00:00March 23rd, 2014|Home, Moments of Life|0 Comments

Purim. Definitely one of the highlights of the Jewish Chagim (festivals), especially if you are a child. I remember each year dressing up and parading my fancy dress at school, and of course doing absolutely no school work. For the past few years, I have got to experience Purim on the other side of the generation [...]

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