23 03, 2014

12/52 – Our weekend

By |2018-07-24T03:39:50+00:00March 23rd, 2014|52, Home|2 Comments

12/52 Sunday, 23 March 2014 This week has been busy. Between work, after school activities and Purim thrown into the mix, by Friday I had barely taken any photos of our 12th week of the year. This weekend we made up for it. Duck was away on a boys cycling weekend so it was me [...]

10 03, 2014

Sometimes time stands still

By |2018-07-24T03:34:53+00:00March 10th, 2014|Home, Moments of Life|0 Comments

  I have already written a post about our fabulous trip to a very special part of Australia, Kangaroo Island. This magical place will provide the ultimate gastronomical adventure for all foodies. We tasted honey ice cream made from pure strain honey from the Ligurian bee found nowhere else in the world, bought King George Whiting direct [...]

9 03, 2014


By |2018-07-24T03:32:19+00:00March 9th, 2014|52, Home|0 Comments

Sunday, 9 March, 2014 10/52 "Weekly potraits of Jake and Evie" Evie: Any excuse for her face to be painted as a princess fairy. This time it involved waiting in a 40 minute queue at The Melbourne Food and Wine Festrival Flemington Grazing Trail. Jake: This kid has the most infectious giggle I have ever come across. Together: Getting tickled [...]

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