25 11, 2019

And Then There Were Two

By |2019-12-01T05:53:55+00:00November 25th, 2019|Fairy, Home|0 Comments

Two digits. One decade. Two often-conflicting personalities vying for attention of your body and mind. One young lady yearning to grow up quickly and gain total independence and autonomy, whilst the younger, more innocent and fragile Evie is pushed to the side, even when it is she who has the greater need for the [...]

16 06, 2019

Summer Dayzzz

By |2019-06-16T09:53:57+00:00June 16th, 2019|Home, Moments of Life|0 Comments

Summer. Bare feet...sand....sticky ice-cream fingers....sunburn....aircon....and sometimes jumpers in Melbourne's crazy weather.....cicadas....short shorts......flip flops....freckles....bikinis......late bbq dinners......welcome shade of a tree......doors and windows open....wet towels.....rivers....staying up late for beach sunsets......burning hot pavements....bike rides....yochi frozen yoghurt.....splashing....camping trips.....hot sweaty runs......long grass......fresh tomatoes and basil.......dripping mangoes..... This was our summer. Hundreds of seconds and millions of moments of childhood wonder. [...]

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