22 04, 2017

Going Through Changes

By |2018-07-27T10:54:21+00:00April 22nd, 2017|Home, Monkey|0 Comments

A few months ago, my little 5 year old monkey started going through one of the most major changes of his life, learning a skill that will probably be one of the most important skills he will need every single day for the rest of his life. He started school and started to learn how to [...]

10 02, 2017

When your heart puts on a backpack and goes off to school

By |2018-07-27T10:52:24+00:00February 10th, 2017|Home, Monkey|0 Comments

Last week Jake, my youngest child, started prep (first official year of school in Melbourne, Australia). At 6:30am, he walked out of his room, fully dressed, with his back pack on his back and asked if we could go to school now. It seems like just overnight he went from kindergarten to wearing a school [...]

14 08, 2016

What I remember when you were 4 years old.

By |2018-07-27T10:23:55+00:00August 14th, 2016|Home, Monkey, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Five is a good number. It's strong, it's solid, it's all your digits on a single hand. And this week, your earth turned another full year around the sun and you became that much taller, that much more grown up, that much less of my little boy and that much more an ever-blossoming young man of [...]

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