5 09, 2015

My monkey turns four

By |2018-07-26T02:42:08+00:00September 5th, 2015|Home, Monkey|0 Comments

You are still my little monkey. You still giggle when you hang upside down, will still run and climb over everything. You still jump into my arms and wrap yourself around me with your head in the nook of my neck. You still ask me for warm cuddles after bath time. You still easily switch [...]

8 06, 2015


By |2018-07-26T01:41:03+00:00June 8th, 2015|Home, Monkey|0 Comments

I am sure many of us have seen that cartoon that says "if only your life was really as good as your Facebook status." So many of my pictures of the kids tell of happy times, those time capsules I am determined to capture to remind myself of those oh-so-adorable and memorable fleeting moments. But [...]

10 05, 2015

The boy series

By |2018-07-26T01:20:31+00:00May 10th, 2015|Home, Monkey|0 Comments

You are so boy. You run, you climb, you build, you play dirt. You are my little monkey...but maybe not for too many more years. But for now, you get that look of pure delight on your face when I walk into your kinder room at pick up time. For now, your head fits perfectly into [...]

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